d.mon x0 d.rast name_of_raster
v.digit -n map=name_of_new_vector_map bgcmd="d.rast map=name_of_raster"
The "-n" flag specifies that your vector map does not yet exist and thus will be created with the name given by "map=". "bgcmd=" specifies a display (d.*) command and is set in "quotes" as it contains a space.
The v.digit GUI appears -- after exiting v.digit GUI the vector map "name_of_new_vector_map" is created.
After leaving v.digit, run:
d.erase d.vect "name_of_new_vector_map"The display should be cleared and the newly created vector should appear in the monitor.
v.digit -n map=name_of_second_vector \ bgcmd="d.rast map=name_of_your_raster; d.vect map=name_of_new_vector_map"
The v.digit GUI appears and the layers defined with bgcmd
are displayed in the background. As the bgcmd commands are executed
as a series of commands (separated by a ";"), the last command (d.vect)
displays over the top of the earlier raster image.
v.digit map=name bgcmd="`d.save -o | cut -f1 -d'#' | tr '\n' ';'`"d.save will list the commands used to draw the current display; cut and tr are UNIX commands which are used to remove comments and trade newlines for semi-colons, respectively.
Last changed: $Date: 2005/02/22 01:17:33 $